L'arte della leadership di crisi

(Evento 125)
Un incontro con il Colonnello SMG Niklaus Jäger 
e con il Colonnello SMG Franco Piffaretti 
(Comando istruzione alla condotta e comunicazione dell'Esercito Svizzero)

14 maggio 2024 - veda sotto

(Event 111, 09-2023) 

Sustainable Leadership

The individual and His Development Potential in The Economy 

Round table in English and Italian, with Dr Rainer funk, the master pupil of the sociologist and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm.

At Casa Epper of the Albergo Eden Roc, Ascona
Saturday, 23 September 2023, from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 
(with apéro riche from 11.30 a.m., debate starts at 12.30 p.m.)

Free admission, with collection

More humane productivity, more economic productivity

  • "The sociologist and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm always opted for more humane productivity, because it is the more reliable basis for economic productivity."
  • Read Dr Funk's introduction paper (in English and Italian) about humane leadership, both in English and Italian: click here!

Fromm, Funk and leadership

  • Leadership and team building are based on philosophical, sociological and psychological elements.
  • So have a look at the presentation by Peter Jankovsky, PhD:  click here!

Responsible leadership: practice towards coherence between thought and action 

  •  Responsible leadership implies constant attention and effort. 
  • So have a look at the presentation (in English and Italian) by Prof. Dr. Ivan Ureta:  click here!

Fromm and Funk: questions, comments and inputs

  • 4 Basic insights of Fromm and the art of living.
  • So have a look at the presentation (in English and German) by Karen Heidl, MA:  click here!

Customer orientation and Fromm’s productive orientation

  • A brief addendum to the question about  the role of Fromm'sproductive orientation in the concrete context of economy.
  • So have a look at the presentation by Prof. Matthias Mölleney (Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich, HWZ):  click here!

La conduzione aziendale ai tempi della sostenibilità

  • MANAGEMENT, Corriere del Ticino: I pensieri del sociologo tedesco Erich Fromm riproposti dal suo allievo Rainer Funk ad Ascona in occasione di un seminario a Casa Epper.
  • Proprio gli strumenti digitali rischiano di sconnettere il leader dalla realtà.
  • Leggete l'articolo qua!

"Io in Ticino con il mio maestro Fromm"

  • Intervista di Mauro Spignesi, caporedattore de La Domenica, con il dottor Rainer Funk.
  • Leggete l'intervista qua! 

Rimanere autentici con Fromm e Funk 

  • Il resoconto su La Regione: L'ottantenne psicoanalista tedesco Funk, ‘erede’ del pensiero del noto psicologo e accademico, è stato ospite dell’Agorà Personal Talk.
  • Leggete l'articolo qua!

Round Table 23.9.2023

  • On the occasion of Dr. Rainer Funk's 80th birthday, the cultural think tank Agorà Ascona will host a round table in English and Italian on Saturday 23.9.2023. 
  • Rainer Funk (Tübingen, D) is the testamentary heir to the work of the social scientist and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm (the latter known worldwide for his books 'The Art of Loving' and 'To Have or to Be'). Funk will attend the event in person.

Starting Point

  • The discussion will start with the question of how ethical leadership can be realised in today's world.
  • This in order to enable managers and employees to develop their potential in an autentic manner. 


Together with Dr. Funk, the round table will be attended by:

  • Prof. Dr. Ivan Ureta (SUPSI), 
  • Prof. Matthias Mölleney (Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich; former HR head of Swissair) via live streaming, 
  • Avv. Alessandro Simoneschi (Rete laudato si'), 
  • Ascona's vice-mayor Maurizio Checchi, 
  • Prof. Dr. Markus Krienke (Rosmini Chair, Faculty of Theology Lugano) 
  • and Dr. Peter Jankovsky (Agorà Ascona).

The Round Table Ticino of Agorà Leadership Talk is kindly supported by

Who was Erich Fromm?

  • He was known the world over for his books 'The Art of Loving' and 'To Have or to Be'. 
  • Erich Fromm (1900-1980, see picture), psychoanalyst, social scientist and German humanist, spent the last ten years of his life on Lake Maggiore, in the Ticino town of Muralto, which had made him an honorary citizen.
  • More informations about Fromm: click here!

"I feel first and foremost as a human"

  • Read the article in Italian on Erich Fromm and his relation to Muralto and Ticino.
  • Click here!

Who is Dr. Rainer Funk?

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Dr. Rainer Funk (*1943), German theologian, social psychologist and psychoanalyst, was a frequent guest of the Fromm couple in Muralto (Ticino). Soon, these intellectual meetings turned into a close working relationship: Funk became Erich Fromm's last assistant, with whom he conducted important research projects. In fact, after meeting Fromm, Funk trained as a psychoanalyst, working mainly as a psychotherapist.

Having become his closest collaborator, Fromm made him heir in his will to his work. After his master's death, Rainer Funk founded the Erich Fromm Institute in Tübingen (Germany), which, in addition to housing the great German psychoanalyst's scientific heritage and library, still promotes numerous research activities in the field of psychology and social sciences.

Erich Fromm Institute 

Created with Sketch.

 The Erich Fromm Institute Tuebingen (EFIT) is a one of kind Fromm research center. It houses Erich Fromm’s reference library as well as his literary estate (with original typescripts, handwritten drafts and other documents). Here you find a comprehensive collection of the literature about Erich Fromm and publications and documents of the International Erich Fromm Society. Also, the papers from 1930’s and 1940’s which Fromm deposited at the New York Public Library are available in the Tuebingen Erich Fromm Institute as replications. 

Sustainable Crisis Leadership

(Event 72, 10-2021)

Nachhaltige Leadership in Krisen-Zeiten 

The Philosophy of Sustainable Leadership

  • La filosofia della leadership sostenibile / Die Philosophie der nachhaltigen Leadership.
  • Part of the presentation by NZZ author and philosophy mediator Peter Jankovsky, founder of Agorà Ascona (only in English): click here. 
  • Would you like to receive the whole document? Then do write to us: [email protected]

Leadership & Digitalised Working World

(Event SIC Ticino, 12-2018)

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Io e il mondo del lavoro digitalizzato

  • Ich und die digitalisierte Arbeitswelt / me and the digitalised working world.
  • Video con Matthias Mölleney, ex capo delle risorse umane di Swissair e docente alla Scuola di Economia di Zurigo (italiano/tedesco). 
  • Video mit Matthias Mölleney, Ex-HR-Chef der Swissair und Dozent an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich (Italienisch/Deutsch).